The Medical Review Officer (MRO) virtual examination will be held as per the date mentioned. Open to all participants who have completed the Virtual or Physical MRO Course.
- Participants need to log in at Learning@AOEMM platform to sit for the examination.(www.learning.aoemm.org.my)
- The exam paper will be opened on Saturday, 27 November 2021, from 09.00am to 11.30am only (2.5 hours).
- The form below will be closed by Thursday, 25 November 2021, at 1700.
- Please make sure you follow the checklist steps and complete where necessary before the exam date.
- Please make sure you also received the username and password before the exam date. p/s: Any inquiry regarding the preparation steps will not be entertained during the examination day.
If you are first-timer who will be going to sit for the virtual examination, please refer to the “Registration Guide Learning@AOEMM” pdf guidance for the step-by-step exam preparation.
Download the pdf guidance:
Registration Guide Learning@AOEMM v290921 – MRO
Registration Fee
Please note that, MRO Virtual Course & Exam = RM 1000. If you have paid RM 850 previously or register for repeat examination, please provide the additional payment below.
- RM 150 per attempt.
Payment can be made by bank transfer or cheque to the account details below.
Bank transfer details are as follows:
Bank Account No: 295-0000-9155 (Hong Leong Bank Berhad)
Beneficiary Name: Academy of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Malaysia
The cheque must be made in favor of the ‘Academy of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Malaysia’.
Please upload the payment receipt in the registration form below. (Compulsory to those who require to make the payment).
- Only participants who have registered and paid will be ensured a place in the session.
- The Joining Instruction (JI) for exam will be emailed one day before the exam date.
There are 2 registration forms below. If you never sit for any virtual exam, please complete both forms. If you already have the username & password, continue for the second form.
Academy of Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Malaysia
Contact Hema aoemm.admn@gmail..com or 012-602 0778