The Medical Review Officer (MRO) Course and Certification will be held on the 04 and 05 February 2017 (Saturday and Sunday) at Vistana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur from 0800-1700 hrs.
- To educate the medical practitioners on common drugs used or abused and their toxicology.
- To prepare the medical practitioners with appropriate skills and technical competency to function as a Medical Review Officer (MRO).
- To educate the medical practitioners on Drug-Free Workplace Program.
Who Should Attend This Course: Occupational Health Physicians, Occupational Health Doctors, Approved Medical Examiners (AME), Company-Appointed Doctors (CAD), Health Advisers, Family Medicine/Medical Specialists, General Practitioners.
Registration Fees:
- RM 750.00 (AOEMM Members)
- RM 1000.00 (Others)
- USD 500.00 (Foreigners)
- RM 100.00 (Examination only)
Payment can be made through bank transfer or cheque:
Bank transfer details are as follows:
Hong Leong Bank
Acc No: 29500009155
Kindly email or fax transaction slip to
Email: malaysia.aoem@gmail.com
Fax : 03-4050 8211
Cheque must me made in favour of the ‘Academy of Occupational &
Environmental Medicine, Malaysia’.
*IMPORTANT NOTICE: Only participants who have registered and paid in full will be ensured a place at the course. The course materials for walk-in and non-paid registered participants shall be given on a first-come first-serve basis. To avoid disappointment, please ensure payment is made before the course.
For accommodation arrangement, kindly contact the Vistana Hotel at +603-4042 8000
Complete the Registration Form and send it via post or fax to:
Academy of Occupational & Environmental Medicine Malaysia
Room 11th, Fifth Floor, MMA House,
124, Jalan Pahang,
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel/Fax: 603-4050 8211
Hp: Ms Hema 6012-602 0778 (9am-5pm) Monday-Friday