13th AOEMM Annual General Meeting, 12th AOEMM Induction Ceremony and AOEMM Life Time Achievement Award 2019

13th AOEMM Annual General Meeting, 12th AOEMM Induction Ceremony and AOEMM Life Time Achievement Award 2019


17 Aug 2019    
12:00 - 21:30


Sheraton Hotel Petaling Jaya
Jalan Utara C, Petaling Jaya, 46200

Event Type

Call Hema

The 13th AOEMM Annual General Meeting, 12th AOEMM Induction Ceremony, 12th AOEMM Induction Ceremony and AOEMM Life Time Achievement Award 2019 will be held on the 17 August 2019. All members are invited to attend these events. Please complete the registration form to assist us in the hotel catering arrangement.


1200–1230 REGISTRATION AOEMM Secretariat
1230-1315 Lunch talk: Daun Ketum Dr Darshan Singh
USM Centre for Drug Research
1230-1400 Lunch
1400 Registration for AOEMM AGM AOEMM Secretrait
1400-1530 Annual General Meeting
1530-1600 Tea
1600-1800 AOEMM Induction Ceremony 2019
1830-1930 AOEMM Life Time Achievement Award 2019 & Dinner Talk
1930-2130 DINNER & ADJOURN

Registration Form

[hide for=”logged”]You will need to be login before you are able to complete the online registration form for this event. If you have not registered as a user, please register as a user. User registration is FREE for both members and non-members of AOEMM.[/hide]
[restrict]Please complete the online registration form

This registration form is for Academy of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Members only


For further information, please contact AOEMM Operating Officer:

Academy of Occupational & Environmental Medicine Malaysia

Room 11th, Fifth Floor, MMA House,
124, Jalan Pahang,
50300 Kuala Lumpur
Tel/Fax: +603-40508211
Hp: Ms Hema 6012-602 0778 (9am-5pm) Monday-Friday