The Academy of Occupational and Environmental Medicine Malaysia had their Annual General Meeting on the 12 December 2020. During the time of the COVID-19 pandemic and the movement control order in Malaysia, the meeting was held online using the Microsoft Teams meeting application. More than 40 members attended the AGM.
The election was also conducted online using the MS Teams Polling Application. The following members were elected to the council for the period 2020-2022.
President | Dr Abu Hasan Samad |
Vice-President | Dr Abed Onn |
Hon. Secretary | Assoc Prof Dr Marzuki Isahak |
Hon. Treasurer | Datin Dr Norsayani Yaacob |
Members | Dr Anza Alias |
Dr Mohd Hatta Usul | |
Dr Edwin Ho | |
Dr Sathya Subramaniam | |
Professor Dr Victor Hoe Chee Wai |